Another Christmas letter? We'll keep the bragging at a minimum; after all, that's what résumés are for. We know that all you want to see is a picture or two ... and sufficient evidence that we're alive and well.

Alan's still the science editor at MSNBC, and spent some time researching the family tree in Dublin this June ... Tonia had the best garden ever this year, with raised beds! ...  Natalie is a junior at Bellevue High. This summer she hosted her English friend Bella, then visited the gang back in the U.K. ... Evan is in seventh grade at Odle Middle School and attended computer camp this summer.

The biggest news is Bijou, a Tibetan spaniel who was born on New Year's Day and joined us in April. It took a while, but Toby, our take-no-prisoners Norfolk terrier, has adjusted to Bijou's youthful enthusiasm. 

Here's wishing you a blend of youthful enthusiasm and sage wisdom for the holiday season and the coming year!

Tonia, Evan, Natalie, Alan at Bellevue Botanical Gardens.

About the most embarrassing picture of Bijou we could find.

Toby, the senior dog, is above such foolishness.